Our Sicilian Send-Off

Our Sicilian Send-Off

Although we were all sad that our time in Sicily was coming to an end, luckily we had our entire last day to explore due to the fact that there was only one 9pm flight departing from Palermo that Sunday (Thank you Ryanair!). There were a couple of other towns that we wanted to stop [...]

Out to the Tip of Trapani

Out to the Tip of Trapani

Although I was sad to leave Cefalù, it was time to head on to Trapani, the final destination of our trip. We piled into the car and headed west, through lots of rolling hills in between mountains, and then finally curved back around to the coast again. We were all so giddy when we started [...]

Beautiful Views & Perfect Sunsets in Cefalù

Beautiful Views & Perfect Sunsets in Cefalù

The next morning, my dad and I woke up very excited that Joe & mom would finally be joining us! I know I already mentioned how amazing Hotel Kalura was, but I think having an al fresco breakfast on their terrace, really put the icing on the cake. I don't think there is much better [...]

Sicily Kickoff – Palermo, Caccamo, and a taste of Cefalù

Sicily Kickoff – Palermo, Caccamo, and a taste of Cefalù

To say I was excited to see Sicily is an understatement. As soon as my parents had planned their first trip to visit us in London, we almost immediately agreed that we had to plan a trip to Italy if there was time. Luckily, we were able to carve out 4 days to explore the [...]